Security and baggage
Security and baggage

Safety and security is a top priority for all air travelers.

All departing passengers are required to pass through security control.

All checked baggage will be screened by airport security.


How to prepare your hand luggage?

Only limited quantities of liquids may be carried through airport security. The following restrictions apply to all liquids, creams, gels, pastes and aerosols taken through security control:

  • Liquids must be 100ml or less
  • They must be carried separately in a single plastic bag measuring 20cm x 20cm: 
  • Transparent and resealable
  • Able to close properly with all of the items contained
  • At security control, you must place the bag separately in the tray, together with your other items
  • Liquids in containers over 100ml will not be permitted through security – please pack them in your checked-in baggage instead

The following exceptions may be made to the 100ml rule:


  • You will need prior approval from the airline and departure airport
  • All medication should be accompanied by document proof of authenticity, such as a prescription or a letter from your doctor

Baby food and baby milk

Baby food, baby milk and sterilized water can be carried in your hand baggage. This includes:

  • soya milk for babies
  • sterilized water for the baby (must be in a baby bottle)
  • formula, breast milk or cow milk specifically for babies
  • baby food of various consistencies

You are allowed to take enough for the journey. In some cases, this may include more than 100 ml. 

Prepare for Security at the AirportPrepare for Security at the AirportRegulations Hand BaggageChecked and hand baggagePrepare Liquids while Travelling with airplaneFurther how to prepare liquids at the airport

Luggage regulations documents:

List of prohibited items, EU Regulation

Contact us if you need additional assistance:

mobile phone: +359884801220 – Aviation Security Officer on Duty
email: [email protected]

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